The Three Laws of a Symptom Fix - The Bug

Let's start with a suitable bug. A one whose symptoms can be fixed quickly.

This is the second post in the blog post series called The Three Laws of a Symptom Fix. The series talks about the consequences of fixing a symptom and not the cause of a bug. The overview of the whole series can be found here.

Illustrating the Laws

In my last post on The Three Laws of a Symptom Fix I promised to shortly explain the Split<T>() extension method and the bug behind its original implementation. This bug turned out to be a perfect example for demonstrating The Thee Laws and I will use it in my upcoming posts for the demonstration purpose.

Note that The Thee Laws are universal. They do not depend on the nature of a particular bug. They are also programming-language and platform agnostic. I’ll use the concrete bug shown below just to illustrate them on a tangible example.

The Split<T>() Method

Let’s see first what the Split<T>() extension method is doing and how it was implemented. That will help us to easily follow the examples that will be given in the upcoming posts.

The enumerable.Split<T>(groupSize) takes the enumerable and splits it into groups where each of them, except eventually the last one, has exactly the groupSize number of elements.

For example, if we define numbers as:

var numbers = new [] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

splitting them into groups of different sizes will give us the following output:

numbers.Split(1); // -> { {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5} }
.Split(2); // -> { {1, 2}, {3, 4}, {5} }
.Split(3); // -> { {1, 2, 3} {4, 5} }
.Split(4); // -> { {1, 2, 3, 4}, {5} }
.Split(5); // -> { {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} }
.Split(6); // -> { {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} }

This was the original implementation of the method (comments and argument checks are removed for brevity):

public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> Split<T>
(this IEnumerable<T> source, int groupSize)
return source
.Where((x, i) => i % groupSize == 0)
.Select((x, i) =>
.Skip(i * groupSize)

Yes I agree - the implementation is a riddle on its own :-) It takes some time to figure out how the method works. For the rest of the discussion it is only important to notice that the source is enumerated in the inner scope, as a sub-query (the emphasized part of the code) of the query that enumerates the source itself. It sounds like something that will surely sooner or later cause problems, doesn’t it ;-)

The Bug

And now to the bug. The method, although very inefficiently implemented, worked perfectly with in-memory collections as well with queryables coming from RavenDB. Once it started to be used on queryables coming from the Entity Framework querying over SQL Server the following exception occurred: “There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed first.

As soon as I saw the exception I knew exactly where the problem was. The source was a queryable coming from the Entity Framework. When the enumeration started the Entity Framework internally created an SQL select command and started executing it. The command opened a data reader that started fetching the data.

When the enumeration hit the Select statement within the Split() method the same source queryable was asked to Skip() and Take() some elements. This request tried to execute a new data reader while the previous one was still open on the same connection.

In its standard configuration, SQL Server does not support more than one pending request on a given session. And therefore the exception.

The Symptom Fix

Exactly like in the Steve’s conversation with the Microsoft programmer, as soon as I saw the exception I knew that ToArray() will solve it, simply because I knew the internal implementation.

// This will crash.

// And this will not.

Once ToArray() is called the Split() will operate on the in-memory array and this will always work.

A perfect symptom fix which will serve as a perfect illustration of The Three Laws of a Symptom Fix!

Here is the list of additional blog posts that use this symptom fix as a base for tangible examples of each of The Laws:

If you made it this far, chances are you might like my next blog post as well :-) Should I let you know when it's out?

Published on April 18, 2015